Site icon CDD Fact Check

Submit A Claim

Claims that are researched by CDDFact check are done only with publicly available sources.

We concentrate our fact-checks on public interest areas including politics, governance, economy, and elections.

When we see an inaccurate, misleading or unsubstantiated claim, we push for corrections and withdrawals.

For our team to research a claim, the claim must be:

    • A statement made in public, which can be attributed to a specific person (e.g. a public official or a social media user) or organization (e.g. a report)
    • An assertion or allegation that can be validated or refuted
    • Based on past or present actions (i.e. not speculative about the future or an opinion)
    • A widely shared claim that might have an impact on the public if it goes unchecked

You can send a claim that you are not sure of, about a wide range of issues, to our email account:, Tweet or send a direct message: @CDDFactcheck, send a message on Facebook: @CDDFactcheck or send a message to our Whatsapp number: +234 903 CDDFact.

Please provide us with as much information as possible about the claim you want to be checked, the person or organisation who made it, and where you saw, read or heard the claim being made. If you can, include links. Suggestions with this information are far more likely to end up as fact checks.

Please do note that the decision to fact-check a particular claim depends on the quality of the claim. Whenever we get claims, we check to see if the statement is actually checkable, that is, are there facts sufficient enough to support or contest the claim?

In our fact checking, as try as much as possible to ensure fairness so that it does not seem like we are supporting a particular group or ideology.

As a principle, we do not fact-check opinions or predictions. These are terribly hard to prove [or disprove] and fact-check is really about examining ‘assertions’ that attribute to facts with the hope that the truth is revealed. However, sometimes, we would write analytical pieces that explain an opinion if we believe there are sufficient grounds for public misinterpretation

The CDDFactcheck is dedicated to combating misinformation by verifying claims to ascertain and determine its factualness or lack thereof. Information that can help when suggesting a claim.

  • The claim
  • Who said it?
  • When
  • Where
  • Supporting image, clip or screenshot
  • Comments


What would you like us to investigate? Use this form below to submit your claim. If your claim is chosen, we will try to get to the bottom of it and publish the findings on the CDDFactcheck Website.

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